The Parliament of Birds

(Mantiq al-Tayr)

About the Mantiq al-Tayr
"And silently their shining Lord replies:
'I am a mirror set before your eyes,
And all who come before my splendor see
Themselves, their own unique reality ...

... The Simurgh, Truth's last flawless jewel, the light
In which you will be lost to mortal sight,
Dispersed to nothingness until once more
You find in Me the selves you were before.'"
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Wednesday, November 08, 2006
And the hoopoe answers him
The answer came: "You speak from ignorance;
Do not despair of His benevolence.
Seek mercy from Him; throw away your shield,
And by submission gain the longed-for field.
The gate stands open to contrition's way --
If you have sinned, squeeze through it while you may,
And if you travel with an honest heart,
You too will play the victor's glorious part.

Shame forced a vicious sinner to repent.
Once more his strength returned, once more he went
Down his old paths of wickedness and lust;
Leaving the Way, he wallowed in his dust.
But pain welled in his heart, his life became --
A second time -- the source of bitter shame.
Since sin had brought him nothing but despair,
He wanted to repent, but did not dare;
His looks betrayed more agitation than
Ripe corn grains jumping in a heated pan --
His heart was racked by grief and warring fears;
The highway's dust was laid by his sad tears.
But in the dawn he heard a voice: 'The Lord
Was merciful when first you pledged your word.
You broke it and again I gave you time,
Asking no payment for this newer crime;
Poor fool -- would you repent once more? My gate
Stands open always; patiently I wait.'
posted by Firesong @ 12:00 AM  
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