The Parliament of Birds

(Mantiq al-Tayr)

About the Mantiq al-Tayr
"And silently their shining Lord replies:
'I am a mirror set before your eyes,
And all who come before my splendor see
Themselves, their own unique reality ...

... The Simurgh, Truth's last flawless jewel, the light
In which you will be lost to mortal sight,
Dispersed to nothingness until once more
You find in Me the selves you were before.'"
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Saturday, October 14, 2006
The novice who had some gold
A novice hid a little store of gold.
His sheikh knew this, although he'd not been told.
There was a journey that they had to make --
The two set out, the young man and his sheikh;
Then night came to the valley where they walked,
And into two the path they followed forked.
The novice trembled for his hidden gold
(Which makes its owners rather less than bold);
'Which way do you advise?' he asked his sheikh.
'There are two paths; which is the best to take?'
The sheikh said: 'Throw out what you cannot hide,
Then either way will do -- as you decide.'
Let gold win someone's heart, and when that's done
Even the Devil, out of fear, will run
(When gold is weighed what arguments ensue:
'One grain too many!' 'No, one grain too few!');
In ways of faith he's like an ass that's lame,
Cast down, preoccupied and full of shame --
A king when cheating people, but a fool
When faith is mentioned -- a bewildered mule.
The man whom shining gold can lead astray
Is captured by the world, he's lost the Way.
Remember Joseph and beware this well;
Tread carefully; it leads to death and hell.
posted by Firesong @ 12:00 AM  
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